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Explorers if for students age 3-4 who are starting to become established with routines and language immersion. Our teacher Kylie is an early years educator from Kelowna, Canada. She believes in free-play and the power of music to inspire young minds.

Explorers Class Newsletter         

Week 8 – September 22 – September 26




Learning Outcomes

Nature Smart

Talk about the weather every day during circle time

5 Senses nature walk – use all the senses outside

5 Senses scavenger hunt field trip to the beach

·         The child will interact with the natural world through outdoor play.

·         The child will exhibit sensory play with natural materials.

·         Discuss how weather affects daily activities

·         Identifies differences in items in nature

·         Shows an understanding of selecting clothing appropriate for weather

Music Smart

Sing the hello song and the goodbye song for each day.

Listen to music while doing activities

Play Instruments alongside simple songs (five senses song)

Learn new song for Friday: My 5 Senses

·         Moves designated body parts in rhythm to music

·         Memorizes simple songs

·         Can follow the direction of the teacher

·         Is able to play in an ensemble

·         Can follow the direction of the teacher/conductor

Design Smart

Colours  in relation to the sense of sight.

Coloured Spaghetti Art

Sticky Collage

Hand Art – Glue on different textured items

·         Recognizes 5 colours

·         Distinguishes variations in colour

·         The child will create art

·         Explores common art forms

Logic Smart


-          Practice writing numbers

-          Sequencing numbers game

-          Sorting things by Senses

Naming and finding shapes in the classroom (related to sense of sight)

Memory Game – Students can look at a tray wit 5-10 items on it, then cover and they must remember what was there

Sing the days of the week each morning, count the days on the calendar

·         Count 1-20

·         Tracing numbers 1 to 10

·         Sequencing numbers

·         Name and sequence days of the week.

·         One to one correspondence to numbers up to 10

·         Prepositions Inside and Outside

·         Sorts items according to type.

Word Smart

Working on Alphabet letters of the Week  for alphabet Book. – Review ABCD, Do E

Model and Practice good book handling skills, how to turn the pages. Each student makes and reads their own book.

Practice writing on different textures surfaces, how does it feel?

Learn words : See, Hear, Listen, Smell, Touch, Taste

·         Recognizes capital letters

·         Letter sounds

·         Experimenting with Writing

·         Knows the names of at least 50 items in daily use

·         Communicates with others

·         Holds Book Appropriately/ turns pages one at a time.

Body Smart

Practice fine motor skills when doing other activities and centers

Create Sensory bins – Water, Sand, - To discuss and demonstrate sense of touch

Noise Hide and Seek – Can be played outside or in the classroom

·         Picks up small items and places them in small container

·         Uses scissors and glue without assistance

·         Can cut non-straight lines

·         Cleans up wet spills using a cloth

·         Runs short distances without tripping or  colliding.

·         Runs around objects/corners without falling.

People Smart

Work on encouraging more use of English with all teachers

Working together on tasks throughout the week, sharing being a focus.

Mystery Story Telling – Pretend to go to the grocery store, what foods do you smell?

·         Employ words, phrases, and sentences in social interactions related to everyday topics

·         Make age-appropriate requests and grant permission in English

·         Communicates in English with the teacher or teaching assistants

·         Express imagination and creativity through story telling

Self Smart

Continue to practice routines – Without teacher help

 - Practice Vocabulary for feelings( Listen to different types of music – how do you feel )

 - Role Play using the different feelings

- Feelings Charades Game

Tasting/Smelling Test – Smell and taste different foods – discuss likes and dislikes

Mirror Experiment – What can you see yourself in? – (Mirror, Spoon, Foil, Etc)

·         Express basic personal needs and information

·         The child will verbally express feelings/justify feelings

·         The child will be able to represent personal information creatively and expressively

·         The child will discuss likes and dislikes

·         Recognize how he/she is alike or different from other children.


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copyright: 2014 Great Man DaLian International Kindergarten
Star Students And Staff