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Time: 2014-09-18 PV: 152


Great Man Dalian is proud to invite you to its Halloween activity to take place on Thursday October 16th at the BlueBerry Farm in Jin Shi Tan behind the American School on the way to the Tang Dynasty Hot Springs.


Children and parents will tour the farm, harvest some vegetables and eat them, as well as participate in a pumpkin carving. The activity will take place from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. As always, we invite parents to meet us there directly. For this activity, parents will be allowed to go home with their children directly after the activity.


Parents and kids alike are invited to costume themselves for this occasion. We ask that costumes be not overly scary. We prefer make-up over masks.

Costumes for adults can be purchased on taobao.com by searching for "Halloween Costumes"

Costumes for kids can be purchased on taobao.com by searching for "Halloween Kids Costumes"  or just "Kids Costumes"

Pumpkin Carving

Pumpkins will be sent home in advance so that parents can begin the work of carving ahead of time. That means that parents will be responsible for bringing their pumpkins to the activity. We ask that you do not complete the work, that would rob the activity of its purpose! We would like to carve just enough so that there are 15-20 minutes left of work to do at the Farm. Teachers and staff will be happy to help you. The best participants will receive prizes!

To learn more about pumpkin carving check out this video : 


So, we will see you there, we hope everyone can enjoy this unique celebration. Visit the Blueberry farm website at http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/2894407825!


greatmandalian@outlook.com | 0411-88162897 0411-88162797


copyright: 2014 Great Man DaLian International Kindergarten
Star Students And Staff